

The law allows School Districts to file charges in Justice Court against parents or their children when the child has missed more days of school than the law allows. A case filed against the parent is usually done so under a law known as PARENT CONTRIBUTING TO TRUANCY . A charge filed against the child is usually filed as FAILURE TO ATTEND SCHOOL.

A student or parent can be filed on if the student has 3 days or part of days unexcused absences in a 4 week period or 10 days or part of days unexcused absences in a 6 month period.

If a truancy case is filed in Orange County, the School District is usually represented by an Attendance Officer. The Attendance Officer files a complaint against the child/parent, or both, and submits it to the Court. The Court then sets a hearing date. The parent may hire an attorney if they wish, but one is not required for these hearings.

At the hearing, the Judge will listen to both sides. The Judge may:


1.  Dismiss the case or order no sanction.

    2.  Fine the child or parent.

    3.  Order the child or parent to attend a Truancy or Parenting class.

    4.  Enter a Court Order listing specific requirements of the child or the parent including but   ot limited to tutorial programs, Driver's License Suspension, GED or Community Supervision.

The purpose of the hearing is to delve into the complaint and require the complainant to prove the complaint, to determine whether the complaint has merit, to allow the defendant(s) an opportunity to respond, and to determine the proper course for each case.

The school district's representative or Attendance Officer may use the following forms to file a truancy complaint against a parent and/or child or if you wish to file electronically contact the Court Administrator of the court you wish to file in.

If you have additional questions call your 
Justice of the Peace office .