Our Mission at Orange County Mosquito Control is to promote the health, safety, and welfare of Orange County residents and visitors through a program of integrated pest management practices to control populations of mosquitoes that may become a nuisance or a threat to public health.
The 5 D's
DUSK and DAWN - Avoid being outdoors when mosquitoes are seeking for a blood meal. For many species this is during the dusk and dawn hours.
DRESS - Wear shoes, socks, long pants, and a long-sleeved shirt when outdoors for long periods of time or when mosquitoes are most active. Clothing should be light colored and made of tightly woven materials to keep mosquitoes away from the skin.
DRAIN - Reduce the amount of standing water in or near your property by draining and/or removing it.
DEET - Use an insect repellant containing DEET. Spray clothing with repellents containing permethrin or DEET because mosquitoes may bite through thin clothing. Always read the manufacturer's directions carefully before you put on a repellent.
Tips on Eliminating Mosquito Breeding Sites
Other ways to protect yourself and your family