Volunteer Deputy

Qualifications of Appointment

  • To encourage voter registration, the registrar shall appoint as deputy registrar's persons who volunteer to serve.
  • Volunteer Deputy registrars serve for terms expiring December 31 of even-numbered years.
  • To be eligible for appointment as a volunteer deputy registrar, a person must be 18 years of age or older.
  • A registrar may not refuse to appoint as a volunteer deputy registrar a resident of the county served by the registrar .

Certificate of Appointment

  • A person desiring to serve as a volunteer deputy registrar must request appointment by the registrar in person or by mail.
  • A volunteer deputy shall present the certificate as identification to an applicant for registration, on request, when receiving the application for delivery to the registrar.

Delivery of Application to Registrar

  • A volunteer deputy registrar shall deliver in person, or by personal delivery through another designated volunteer deputy, to the registrar each completed voter registration application submitted to the deputy.
  • An application shall be delivered to the registrar not later the 5 p.m. of the fifth day after the date the application is submitted to the volunteer deputy registrar.

Termination of Appointment

A volunteer deputy registrar's term is terminated for the following reasons:

  • Expiration of the volunteer deputy's term of appointment.
  • Final conviction for failure to deliver a completed voter registration application to the registrar.  Your appointment may be terminated on a determination by the voter registrar if you failed adequately to review a voter registration application.
  • All election materials issued to a deputy registrar, including the certificate of appointment, receipt books, receipts, applications, and other forms in the volunteer deputy's possession must be returned or accounted for upon termination of appointment.
General Information
Elections Administrator
Donna Alford
Phone Numbers
(409) 882-7973
Fax: (409) 670-4176
Emergencies: Dial 911
206 Border Street

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm